Lecture Notes for Introduction to Polymer Science

—— A Bilingual Course in Donghua University

Rongliang Wu - ISBN: 978-3-659-84520-8

Scientific Computing with ScalaLab at the Java Platform

Stergios Papadimitriou - ISBN: 978-3-659-84599-4

Classical and not-classical anarchism of Peter Kropotkin

philosophy, anarcho-reformism, federalism. Collection of selected research papers and conference reports

Sergey Saytanov - ISBN: 978-3-659-84582-6

Language means breaking the norm of media news

Bozena Bednarikova, Viktor Jílek - ISBN: 978-3-659-84610-6

Epilepsy: Novel GABA modulating agents and GABAergic imbalance in CNS

Anna Pratima Nikalje, Shailee Tiwari - ISBN: 978-3-659-84515-4

Role of Motivation for Effectiveness of Medical Specialist

The Innovations in The Motivation of Doctors and Nurses

Tsvetelina Mihaylova - ISBN: 978-3-659-84601-4

The $50,000,000 Question

An Engagingly Empirical Examination of the Relationship between "Privilege" and Pride

Wilfred Reilly - ISBN: 978-3-659-84603-8

Pulmonary Physiology of Kenyan Endurance Runners

Pulmonary function of Kenyan elite distance runners at rest, and during sub-maximal and maximal endurance exercise

Francis Mundia Mwangi - ISBN: 978-3-659-84556-7