Human Resource Management

Omedy Mweene - ISBN: 978-620-2-30254-8

Estimating Population Density and Trend of Soemmerring's Gazelle

(Nager Soemmerringii) Hrey Gereb, Buri, Peninsula, Eritrea

Rezene Habte, K. Surrender Reddy - ISBN: 978-3-639-70239-2

The B2Com Relationship

Investigating a Business and its Host community relationship

Oluyomi Osobajo - ISBN: 978-3-330-65378-8

African Union to Optimize Youth Participation for a Peaceful Society

A call for Institutionalizing “Youth Delegate Program’’

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The Design Prospect of Threshing and Separation System

Geta Kidanmariam, Daniel Tilahun - ISBN: 978-620-2-30227-2

Innovative room temperature dyeing of silk with Rubia

Padma Shree Vankar, Dhara Shukla - ISBN: 978-620-2-30238-8