Enhancement of Crude Oil Bioremediation

Microbial Degradation

Tarek Hosny Taha, Gihan Hosny Abd Elsamie, Reda Kamel Shaaban - ISBN: 978-620-2-30383-5

Sheath blight and root-knot disease of rice

Host resistance, chemical, biological and integrated management

Ziaul Haque, Mujeebur Rahman Khan - ISBN: 978-620-2-30219-7

How to develop a component and file a patent

A.K. Matta, A. S. Kranthi, K. Shyam Prasad - ISBN: 978-620-2-30228-9


A Study of Rashtriya Seva Samithi (RASS)

K. Nagaraja Naidu, P. V. Narasaiah - ISBN: 978-620-2-30215-9

Studies on Biofuel with Diethyl ether in CI Engine

Sunil Kumar Mahla, Jashanpreet Singh - ISBN: 978-620-2-30380-4