Preaching of the Early Korean Church (1884 – 1945)

A Study in Light of John Calvin's Understanding of Word and Sacrament

Eun Charles Kim - ISBN: 978-620-2-31063-5

Design Analysis and Fabrication of piston on CNC Machine

Kesava Reddy Chirra, Manzoor Hussain Mohammed, P.Venkata Prasad Reddy - ISBN: 978-620-2-30951-6

Understanding Chemistry

FOR Neco, Ssce, Utme, Gce

Tamuno-Emine Davies - ISBN: 978-620-2-30708-6

Historiographic Metafiction in Postmodern Women's Fiction:

Laila Lalami's "The Moor's Account" and Jeanette winterson's "The Passion"

Chegdali Soumya - ISBN: 978-620-2-31054-3

CFD Studies of Heat Transfer in Heat Sink

Experimental & CFD Studies of Air Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Heat Sink

Sunil Kumar Mahla, Dr. B.S. Chauhan, Er. Geetesh Goga - ISBN: 978-620-2-31040-6

Cash Management And Profitability Of Cement Industries In Kenya

Ongabi David Nyambane, Barrack Ouma - ISBN: 978-3-330-65257-6

Utilization of Di-Methyl Carbonate-Diesel Blends in CI Engine

Performance evaluation and emissions characteristics of DMC-diesel blends in CI Engine

Sunil Kumar Mahla, B.S. Chauhan - ISBN: 978-620-2-31021-5

Green Inhibitors for Corrosion of Metals: A Review

Kesavan Devarayan, Monikandon Sukumaran - ISBN: 978-620-2-30555-6