Analysis & Designing of the Information System Software of Institution

Record Inserting, Updating, Viewing & Feedbacking

Jannatul Ferdus Taposi - ISBN: 978-620-2-31266-0

Proposed algorithms for UAV based cloud computing

Ahmed Ragab, Atalla Hashad, Mohamed Elfaham - ISBN: 978-620-2-31257-8

Biomedical Applications of Electrospun Polymeric Fibers

Gehan T. El-Bassyouni - ISBN: 978-620-2-31270-7

Machine Learning and its Applications in Agriculture

A Predictive Analytics in Agriculture - A Systematic Approach

V Sathiyamoorthi, C Sangeetha - ISBN: 978-620-2-31241-7

Will patients be satisfied with their healthcare services?

Reasons patients leave their provided health care service to attend Karen Park Clinic, north of Pretoria

Agnes Masango Makgobela - ISBN: 978-620-2-30042-1

IoT and Big Data Analytics in Healthcare

Concepts, Principles and Practices

S. Balamurgan, R. P. Shermy, V. M. Prabhakaran - ISBN: 978-620-2-31286-8

Protection of Mental Health of Children and Adolescents

The Role of Public Health Projects

Zeljko Kljucevic - ISBN: 978-620-2-30931-8

Principles of Object Oriented Analysis, Modeling and Design

Applications and Case Studies

S. Balamurugan - ISBN: 978-620-2-31246-2