Road Safety in Namibia

Road Safety in Namibia

Focus on Road Traffic Accidents

International Research Press ( 17.09.2018 )

€ 29,90

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This book discusses road traffic accidents in Namibia. The occurrence of road accidents and resulting fatalities and injuries are of great concern to the government of the republic of Namibia. This is confirmed by available vehicle collision rate and overload statistics as well as independent studies of the municipal and Namibia traffic police (Report on road safety in Namibia, 1995). This book also discusses the new road traffic and transport act, which is envisaged to be implemented in the course of the present years/coming years. This will improve the control of vehicle roadworthiness testing and registration, licensing of drivers rules of the road and traffic law enforcement. The so-called “human factor” plays a role in the majority of vehicle accidents. Cognitive psychology provides more detailed information on human factors. It explains theoretical concepts and principles on how the mind works (K.L. Saarela, 1991). It has also been said that cars do not cause accidents, people do. For this reason a “technical” and “legal” approach alone is not regarded as sufficient to improve the road traffic safety situation in Namibia.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Moses Amweelo

Nombre de pages:


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