Motley String or What Everything is made of

Motley String or What Everything is made of

First take on Theory of Everything (ToE) by George Yury Matveev

International Research Press ( 12.06.2018 )

€ 34,90

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This book describes first take on Theory of Everything based on Motley String theory, particular String Theory model by G.Y. Matveev based on existence of Color Force acting on spacial dimensions of Superstring. Motley String model and idea of String's "colorful" spacial dimensions introduced in this book offers consistent and uniform approach to compactification problems present in all known String models (Superstring, Bosonic, Heterotic). It eliminates inconsistencies of compactification mechanisms proposed earlier (Kaluza-Klein, Calabi-Yau manifolds, etc). Also it solves several major problems present in the Standard Model: 1. explains number of particles (6 quarks and 6 leptons) in the Standard Model. 2. explains fractional charges of quarks and quark/gluon confinement. 3. establishes the link between High-dimensional String theories and observable 4-dimensional world. 4. offers alternative to Higgs mechanism for particles mass generation and thus explains neutrino's mass and experimentally observed neutrinos oscillations. 5. offers single mechanism for both quark mixing and neutrino oscillations. 6. offers solution for "dark matter/energy" problem of astrophisics

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

George Yury Matveev

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



Physique Théorique