Teacher Trainees and Environmental Education

Teacher Trainees and Environmental Education

Environmental Education

International Research Press ( 2017-12-01 )

€ 99,90

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The journey of Environmental Education was started along with the journey of civilization. The key of successful Environmental Education is the classroom teacher. If Teacher does not have the Knowledge, skill and commitment to environmentalise their curriculum, it is unlikely that environmentally literate student will be produced. The research conducted on this issue may help to design a teacher-training programme, which can fulfill the objectives of Environmental Education. Since today’s teacher trainees are tomorrow’s teachers, it is necessary to know how far they are aware of the environment and environmental problems. Whether the teacher trainees from different subject backgrounds vary in their environmental awareness or action? Whether their place of residence has any impact on their awareness or action level? Time and again it has been mentioned that environmental knowledge alone is not enough to make people act. It is equally important to develop the will to act. Hence, motivation vis-à-vis environmental behaviour should be studied in depth to understand the reasoned action of people. Herein lies the importance of the present book.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Sujit Pal

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education system