Scientific Computing with ScalaLab at the Java Platform

Scientific Computing with ScalaLab at the Java Platform

International Research Press ( 2017-01-11 )

€ 94,90

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The ScalaLab project aims to provide an efficient scientific programming environment for the Java Virtual Machine. The scripting language is based on the Scala programming language enhanced with high level scientific operators and with an integrated environment that provides a MATLAB-like working style. Also, all the huge libraries of Java scientific code can be easily accessible (and many times with a more convenient syntax). These libraries are readily available to ScalaLab using the versatile toolbox installation mechanism. The main potential of the ScalaLab is numerical code speed and flexibility. The statically typed object-functional Scala language can provide speeds of scripting code similar to Java and even C++. A major design priority of ScalaLab is its user-friendly interface. The book introduces the reader to the potential of Scala for scientific computation with the ScalaLab integrated programming environment. It presents the architecture and the main components of ScalaLab. Also, it presents many application examples as: solutions of ODEs, FFTs, linear algebra, computer algebra, wavelets, chaotic systems, statistical analysis of data, plotting and visualization.

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By (author) :

Stergios Papadimitriou

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