Copyright Infringement and Role of Intermediary In Cyberspace

Copyright Infringement and Role of Intermediary In Cyberspace

Role of Intermediaries

International Research Press ( 2016-09-30 )

€ 59,90

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Intermediary can be Internet Service Provider, search engine, hosting and access provider, Broadcaster, providers of information tools such as hyperlinks etc. are few among many other intermediaries. The difficulty that arises in case of copyright infringement online is with defining liability of an intermediary. The book deals with various sources and theories that have been used in different countries to address third party liability. It lays special emphasis on the defences available with the intermediaries with reference to various case laws in different jurisdiction. There is little published work on copyright infringement and role of intermediary in cyberspace is available. This book will therefore be of interest to lawyers, economists and policy makers in general, and not just in the procurement field. The findings will also have implications for the design of enforcement systems under other international arrangements. It is hoped that this book will be useful to students, researchers, academicians and members of the legal fraternity.

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By (author) :

Pooja Kiyawat
Manish Yadav

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