The Quality of ICT-Supported Learning and Teaching Environments

The Quality of ICT-Supported Learning and Teaching Environments

Inductive research

International Research Press ( 11.07.2016 )

€ 74,90

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This book aims to gain an understanding of science teachers’ practices in ICT-supported learning and teaching environments. The literature reviewed demonstrates the influence of constructivist views on science education and on the use of ICT in education. A constructivist viewpoint is utilised in this book in two aspects; pedagogical and epistemological. This book proves that the role of teachers and students is developed when integration of ICT into education. Four factors appear to be relevant to learning and teaching environments: an Engaging and Interactive Teaching Approach, Autonomy in Learning, Purposeful Assessment and Feedback and a Community of Learners. A framework has been suggested based on these factors, called the Framework for Effective Learning and Teaching in Science (FELTS). The book can provide guidance to educators, curriculum developers and decision makers who embark on using ICT-supported instruction, particularly in regard to designing instructional material, enhancing the learning environment and developing teacher competencies.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Khalid Bingimlas

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



Education, Emploi, Carrière

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