Feminist Conciousness in Shashi Deshpande

Feminist Conciousness in Shashi Deshpande

International Research Press ( 17.05.2016 )

€ 79,90

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In this Book. Shashi Deshpandes Novels are analysed. Her Novel “A Matter of Time” brings together women of three generations and shows their different outlooks on life. The Other Novel. THAT LONG SILENCE traces the passage of a woman through a maze of doubts and fears towards her affirmation. Looking at the man-woman relationship objectively, the novelist does not blame entirely the men for the subjugation of women, she sees how both men and women find it difficult to outgrow the images and roles assigned to them by the society. The other novel THE BINDING VINE depicts how the educated earning woman helps poor women inculcating the spirit of solidarity among women. A MATTER OF TIME portrays a woman who is more mature and dignified than her predecessors. When others cannot think of themselves outside the familial bond, she, finding herself in, is unperturbed. She is little detached, but manages herself admirably and almost becomes self-dependent. SMALL REMEDIES, her other novel, explores the relation between memory and mimesis. Her latest novel MOVING ON has a complex narrative structure that embodies several strands, using memory, experience and written texts.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Janakamma Pitla

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



Linguistique Anglaise / Science littéraire

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