Crustacean Nutrition

Crustacean Nutrition

Studies on the efficacy of formulated feeds on the growth potentials of penaeid prawns Penaeus monodon & Penaeus indicus

International Research Press ( 2017-02-13 )

€ 94,90

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The harvest of Aquatic animals has been reported to be increasing tremendously. Aquatic animals excel as a source of nutrition and commerce. Because of their world wide demand and the escalating increase in price, many countries in the world including India start aquaculture practices. Shrimp forming evolved from traditional extensive rearing system to semi- extensive and Intensive rearing system. Due to intensification in aquaculture rearing system there is a demand for food. So supplementation of feed to Aquaculture practice will become a challenge for researchers. So for number of commercially available artificial feeds for aquaculture rearing system are available in market. Cost point of view it create lot of burden to the farmers. Now the researcher pave their path towards improvement of cost effective and eco - friendly artificial feeds for sake of farmers. In present study was aimed at to prepare artificial diets by using computational linear programme for preparation of diets. After feeding trial experiments the obtained results clearly demonstrate that the developed diets promotes the growth potentials of Penaeid Prawns same time they are eco-friendly and cost - effective.

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By (author) :

Raj Kumar Tatapudi
Srinivasulu Reddy Motireddy

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