Change Management

Change Management

Impact of change management on employee stress and organisational productivity

International Research Press ( 03.04.2017 )

€ 79,90

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Everything is transient and so is the world, organization being a part of it is not an exception. Today organization, too, face a lot of changes. Every aspect of organization, be it production or service is undergoing change. At the pro side, it is very useful as it is the backbone and a savior for survival, however it also (sometimes) comes up with some demerits, henceforth it is required to be managed. Change. It‘s inevitable. The organizations that are able to understand the phenomenon of changing environment and rapidly adapt to 'change' will only be able to survive. The world we live in is witnessing rapidly accelerating change occurring in many fields. There are lots of explosions like knowledge explosion, technological explosion, economic explosion and communications explosion, etc. These explosions affect our organizational environment also necessitating it to act and react. The rapid growth of technology expansion of economic markets, social and political changes become constant pressures for organizations to change, adapt and grow and this book has been written in this context with emphasizing on Human resources and organization.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Shyam Inda
Shivani Mishra

Nombre de pages:


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Gestion des affaires

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