"Threatened Animal Species of India: Vol. V" is an enlightening book that explores the captivating world of endangered animal species found in India. This volume is dedicated to highlighting a fresh selection of imperiled species, shedding light on their conservation status and advocating for their protection. India is renowned for its remarkable biodiversity, but many of its animal species are facing severe threats and are on the brink of extinction. This book serves as a comprehensive guide, offering a closer look at the diverse range of endangered species, their ecological significance and the pressing challenges they confront. Through meticulous research, conservation case studies and expert contributions, the book provides valuable insights into the natural history, habitat requirements, population dynamics and conservation efforts surrounding these endangered animals. Each chapter focuses on a specific species, providing a comprehensive overview of their biology, behavior and the current conservation initiatives aimed at their preservation.
Buch Details: |
ISBN-13: |
978-620-5-52324-7 |
ISBN-10: |
6205523248 |
EAN: |
9786205523247 |
Buchsprache: |
English |
Herausgegeben von: |
Arunaksharan Narayanankutty |
Seitenanzahl: |
56 |
Veröffentlicht am: |
15.05.2023 |
Kategorie: |
Biologie |