This is a compilation of 1,000 proverbs in Igbo language, each followed by a usable English translation. I decided to make this compilation after much personal reflection on the remote origins and existential imports of the proverbial mode of communication. Proverbs remain vital and peculiar elements of Igbo traditional religion, daily discourse and contemporary worldview. Made available in print format, it is my hope that this compilation will serve as a portable, easily navigable reference for anybody that has an interest in the subject matter.
Détails du livre: |
ISBN-13: |
978-620-2-30201-2 |
ISBN-10: |
6202302011 |
EAN: |
9786202302012 |
Langue du Livre: |
English |
de (auteur) : |
Onyekachi H. Ibekwe |
Nombre de pages: |
120 |
Publié le: |
09.10.2017 |
Catégorie: |
Autres langues / Autres littératures |