Light Delivery Vehicle (LDV) passenger transport is a vital but not necessarily safe mode in rural communities of South Africa. The aim of this study was to suggest a framework for a model for integrating LDV passenger transport into the public transport system in Vhembe District. It was assumed that LDVs could be a suitable mode of rural passenger transport if appropriately modified and a supporting legislative framework introduced. A mixed methods approach was adopted, based on focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, observations and questionnaire was used. The snowball technique and knowledge of the respondents regarding LDV passenger transport were applied. The use and operation of LDV passenger transport was found to be an established, regular, demand-driven, sustainable and expanding reality, operating alongside other transport services, especially in remote rural areas. A strong relationship (P < 0.05) existed between the reasons given for using LDVs and the municipalities where the respondents resided. The transport service was affordable and flexible, although it was not necessarily comfortable or safe.

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de (auteur) :

Thinandavha Edward Munwana

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Véhicules, Aéronefs, Navires, Voyage spatial

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