Introduction to Business Law

Introduction to Business Law

A Student's Manual

International Research Press ( 2016-11-10 )

€ 89,90

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This manual on Business law is designed to introduce students who are preparing for a career in business to some of the legal rules and issues which they will encounter once they enter the world of commerce. They will not become an expert in any area of the law as a result of studying this manual, however at the end of their study of this manual it is hoped that they will not only have increased their knowledge about the law as it applies to the business world; but that they would have developed some competence at identifying legal issues and applying legal rules to factual situations. As a result, they will acquire knowledge and skills that will empower them to intelligently request, understand and act on legal services and advice. These are vital business skills that are relevant to all jurisdictions in the world. Therefore, this manual presents the lecture notes on almost all of the relevant Business Law topics specifically for degree and diploma students specialised in accountancy, procurement,business administration and other related courses.

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By (author) :

Prosper Tegamaisho

Number of pages:


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