The God Gene of Adam and Eve

The God Gene of Adam and Eve

The God Gene of VMAT2 in Worship 2000 Humans Faith in Tabriz city Iran

International Research Press ( 2016-07-08 )

€ 79,90

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Belief in God and do good deeds and competence that is pleasing to God, humans and ecosystems depends on the personality of their lives and their life style. Today, in the world of sin and the sin of human infection have risen And less and less someone who cares about religious affiliation in religious ceremonies is present.Inner need of man to God, Adam and Eve started. People always fall in times of crisis and difficulty remembering God. In fact, I hope people at any time, that I have neglected, their last hope and remembrance of God that hearts can be alleviated only. Genes are always human character and his moral exposition of their individualities And ecosystem life is just a catalyst that can speed up their process and function of these genes. Belief in God and religion being in control genes And ecosystem genre of life and life can be better and more activity of this gene God to hasten.

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Shahin Asadi

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