Firm without Subordinations and Model of Realization

Firm without Subordinations and Model of Realization

International Research Press ( 20.05.2016 )

€ 59,90

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The holistic microeconomics studies the firm as a holistic object. It takes as determining for its behavior neither properties of elements, nor sums of them, but a new quality of properties existing only in the holistic object. These properties describe the state of an object and its heading. This is an analogy with a living organism. Connected with holistic properties are holistic functions, existing not on the level of elements and realizing intended goals of the object. A division of functions happens in the object, where one part solves interest of elements and the second one the interest of the object as whole – of the new quality. The structure of a holistic firm is studied on the basis of analogies with systems found as a result of an application of the holistic approach and research on relations among firms and on the macro-economy. At the same time an instrument for its objective realization is submitted – a structural model of events. The basic difference of a holistic firm from a nowadays one is in a separation of the control of wages from the management. It is possible to say that it goes about a firm without subordinations.

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de (auteur) :

Martin Vlcek

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