Recent Trends in India - Sri Lanka Relations

Recent Trends in India - Sri Lanka Relations

International Research Press ( 09.05.2016 )

€ 99,90

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The book “Recent Trends in India-Sri Lanka relations” traces the history of India-Sri Lanka relations from ancient period. They started with business and trade relations which led to cultural contacts and finally to political relations. The largest democratic country’s political relations with its smallest Asian neighbor in the cold war and post cold war periods form the background of the work. The areas of co-operation and issues between the two are discussed. The Tamil Ethnic conflict became the core issue in their relations which went to the lowest levels from 1980’s. The role of India’s neighbors - China and Pakistan which influenced the relations are analysed at length. The authors comes out with some suggestions to consolidate relations between these two Asian neighbors for peace, stability and security in the volatile region which is on the brink of nuclear crisis.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Venkata Seshaiah Atmakuru
Muralidhar Bangarupet Venkatesulu

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



Science politique internationale et comparée

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