Ensuring User Security Against Internet

Ensuring User Security Against Internet

International Research Press ( 10.10.2016 )

€ 45,90

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Web browser being the most used application for communication through Internet has become a vulnerable target for the attackers. Honeyclients visit and interact with suspicious web sites to detect and collect information about malware. The infected links are spread by the attacker over the network using various mechanisms including Email. The maliciousness is spread over the network by injecting the infected links in spam mails. The proposed system is capable of interpreting and executing scripts efficiently and can detect the malicious codes generated by the scripts. The seeds are obtained using the spam emails due to the high probability of their existence in these emails. The email id to be analysed is given as input by the user along with the password. The Spam/Junk folder of the provided email id is accessed and the content of each email is analyzed for malicious links. The content is analyzed using the honeyclient which parses and analyzes the downloaded content for maliciousness. The user after the completion of analyzing process is informed about the emails containing any malicious link which could affect the system’s safe state in any way.

Buch Details:









von (Autor):

Ravinder Kumar
Priyanka Gupta
Sarika Jain



Veröffentlicht am:



Informatik, EDV

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