Competency-Based Curriculum in Tourism and Hospitality

Competency-Based Curriculum in Tourism and Hospitality

Implementation and Perceived Impact on Workforce Preparedness in Southern Province, Rwanda

International Research Press ( 2018-01-25 )

€ 89,90

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This study investigated on implementation and perceived impact of competency-based curriculum in tourism and hospitality on the workforce preparedness in Southern Province, Rwanda.This study was guided by constructivism theory.The study used concurrent mixed methods and the respondents (graduates of Vocational Training Centers) were purposively selected.Multiple regression was used to identify best predictors of workforce preparedness, and through thematic approach, qualitative data enhanced the discussions.Graduates from VTCs offering tourism and hospitality courses in culinary arts level three were happy on how they were prepared for the workforce.The findings revealed that there is a positive and moderate relationship between competency-based curriculum implementation and workforce preparedness,therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected.Teaching-learning process,identification of competencies and assessment were found to be predictors of workforce preparedness.The study recommended that MBAROVE’s (MBArushimana, ROle, and VEncie) model be used to guide proper implementation of competency-based curriculum in VTCs offering tourism and hospitality courses in culinary art in Rwanda.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Nelson Mbarushimana

Number of pages:


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Education, Occupation, Career