Holistic Physiology and Model of Events

Holistic Physiology and Model of Events

International Research Press ( 18.04.2016 )

€ 59,90

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The holistic physiology studies the organism as a holistic object. It takes as determining for its behavior neither properties of elements, nor sums of them, but a new quality of properties existing only in the holistic object. These properties describe the state of an object and its heading. The structure of a living organism is studied on the basis of analogies with systems found as a result of an application of the holistic approach and research on relations among firms and on the macro-economy. A proposal of an experimental approach for a verification of holistic principles on living organism is submitted at the end of the work. The proposed structure of control contains at its top parts realizing the consciousness and the satisfaction or happiness of the organism. These parts control areas connected with the regeneration of the organism, delivery of material inputs for this regeneration and with the control of the border of the organism. Partly out of these mechanisms, with a specific function of identification of successfulness of cells, stems the immune system. The work submits a verified and strong instrument for this evaluation – a structural model based upon events.

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de (auteur) :

Martin Vlcek

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