Leadership and Growth of Business Organizations

Leadership and Growth of Business Organizations

International Research Press ( 03.10.2018 )

€ 79,90

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This book came up from my research and aims to examine Leadership and Growth Concept of organisational management transformation and their effects on business growth. One aspect of growth that this book explores is the issue of growing transformational leaders and their business plans for organisation transformation. This book examines strategic planning and value-based strategy. Examples were drawn through exploratory research that was conducted by gathering qualitative data using interviewees. The sample considered in the study consists of 10 managers or leaders working in UK-based charity organisations. The research questions are linked to: performance, motivation, innovation, servant leadership, emotional intelligence and leadership behaviour. The content analysis helped to code the responses obtained using a cluster method and hence, enabled the major themes arising from the responses to be obtained. The study shows that leadership skills and self-leadership help in the development of self-efficacy, which contributes to performance when the leaders were motivated.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Charles Alegbeleye

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



Gestion des affaires