Biofuels is a good replacement of petroleum fuels. Biogas can be used in I.C engine, because of its better mixing ability with air and clean burning nature. The present study was conducted on rice bran oil methyl ester as a pilot fuel and biogas as a dual fuel used in C.I engine. The blends B20, B40, and B60 of rice bran methyl ester used as an injected fueland biogas were inducted through the intake manifold. The different flow rates of biogas in which diesel used as pilot fuel were also compared with diesel. The results show that the performance characteristics of dual fuel mode for all blends of biodiesel is higher than diesel at higher loads on fixed and dual fuel mode different flow rates of biogas. The results also show that the emissions such as carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) of dual fuel mode B40 are less than that of engine fuelled with other blends. Dual fuel mode the flow rate of 3.1kg/hr. gives better emissions than 4.48kg/hr,3.72kg/hr. Oxygen (O2) emissions are more than that of diesel fuel in both cases dual fuel mode using a biodiesel blends having a fixed flow rate of biogas.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Sunil Kumar Mahla
Amandeep Singh
G.S. Sidhu

Nombre de pages:


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Chauffage, - énergie et Technologie de réseaux électriques