Evaluation of a Peer-Led Parenting Intervention

Evaluation of a Peer-Led Parenting Intervention

Factors Influencing The Outcome

International Research Press ( 2017-02-13 )

€ 59,90

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The present study which evaluates EPEC, a peer-led parenting intervention for disruptive behaviour problems in children, aims to analyze the participant variables which influence the effectiveness and/or outcome of the intervention. While the literature consistently reports improved parent and child interaction, it is important to consider that these are based on mean comparisons between groups. The overall mean improvements mask varying outcomes across participants. Some participants gain significant benefits while other parents do not. It is therefore essential to examine whether there are factors that predict or influence parent-child outcomes. The study points towards to explore the possible influence of variables on EPEC such as; the age of the child, the age of the parent, the gender of the child, the gender of the parent, ethnicity, the number of children in the family, three or more children under age 5 in the family, parents` marital status, the first language spoken and the socio-economic status in terms of the parents’ work status, level of education and the type of housing.

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By (author) :

Begum Engur

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