Towards an HIV/AIDS Free World

Towards an HIV/AIDS Free World

International Research Press ( 2016-12-08 )

€ 59,90

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For centuries past to this moment, Man has misconstrued and abused the true role sexual intercourse plays in human relationship. Sexuality is part of human nature, an act and a process that brings harmony, bliss, peace and continuity that add no sorrow to the human race, if timely and soundly used. Unfortunately, indiscriminate sexual practice has plunged the world into sexual immorality and has reduced sex to a tool which generates low self-esteem, lack of purpose, trauma, shame, disgrace and diseases particularly HIV/AIDS that this book highlights. Kenkoh assures his readers that locking the door of sex from HIV/AIDS implies closing the door to any other form of transmission. His sense of humour, creativity, ingenuity and use of analogies and anecdotes are relief paths that give fluidity to the conveyance of lessons or guiding principles on a subject that has ravaged lives, orphaned many and left excruciating pain and trauma, frustration and hardship and sluggish economies, with great world-changing ideas buried in the graves. This will be valuable to families, schools, organisations and agencies providing HIV/AIDS services and sex education.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Kenkoh Nai

Number of pages:


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General Humanities

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