Non-religious peregrination and meaning of life

Non-religious peregrination and meaning of life

transformation of human being in winter nature

International Research Press ( 25.11.2016 )

€ 89,90

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The monograph "Non-religious peregrination and meaning of life" is not just the result of a sound qualitative research, but represents an original and in my opinion a significant impulse for education, mainly for the philosophy of education. The book can contribute to a better understanding of the meaning of experiential education and its connection with spirituality. As a result of the methods used for data collection and analysis, the book provides a huge amount of authentic material that makes it attractive not only for experts but for a wider audience, especially students. Doc. Michal Kaplánek, Th.D. The publication is a very interesting combination of the theory behind the phenomenon labelled as “experiential education” with specific possibilities of empirical inquiry. This type of inquiry prefers a philosophical approach as its foundation to positivistically oriented scientific methodology. The research is qualitatively based, systematically structured and thoroughly processed. Doc. PaedDr. Emanuel Hurych, Ph.D.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Ivo Jirásek
Jakub Svoboda

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



L'éducation des adultes

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