Catalysis, Heavy Fermions, Solitons and Cold Fusion

Catalysis, Heavy Fermions, Solitons and Cold Fusion

Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR)

International Research Press ( 2016-10-28 )

€ 45,90

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We consider in the book an idea of a soliton and heavy fermion catalysis for a cold fusion similar to a muon catalysis. This catalysis is achieved via quasi- chemical bonds for heavy fermions and solitons as well. We consider also a soliton catalysis (for KP-solutions), which is quite different. This kind of catalysis is similar to enzymatic catalysis. In the paper we construct a model for a cold fusion reactor based on Onsager–Prigogine irreversible thermodynamics. We give examples of several compounds with heavy fermions (heavy electrons) which are hydrogen storages. Samples of those compounds can be (in principle) cold fusion reactors if filled with a deuter. It is necessary to do several experiments (de scribed in the paper) in order to find a proper compound which will be a base for a battery device. We consider also a case with cold plasma (e.g. in metals) filled with a deuter. Solitons in a plasma can catalyse a fusion in two regimes: as quasiparticles and in enzymatic-like regime.

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By (author) :

Marek Kalinowski

Number of pages:


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Physical chemistry

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