Techno Economic Analysis of OTEC and its related Industries

Techno Economic Analysis of OTEC and its related Industries

International Research Press ( 2016-08-30 )

€ 44,90

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OTEC has emerged a viable technology providing power 24×7, with break-even point of economy at 40MW (net power) size below which power cost escalates. Proposal of larger sized plant deployment in China, Andaman’s and Hawaii are in progress. Prospect of royalty from OTEC by products, like distilled water from OC-OTEC; mineral water from deep ocean water (DOW); enhanced marine species/Phytoplankton growth (fisheries, weeds with medicinal & food values) with up-welled nutrient-laden DOW, air conditioning scope & Lithium extraction from DOW etc. - seem to make as if electricity is by product of OTEC, availed virtually free, if considered improved 2nd/3rd generation plants (improved thermo dynamic cycles & hybridization with solar energy). Hence, OTEC-driven power for hydrogen production by electrolysis is preferred than other RE systems, for hydrogen-fuel cell combine in its use as transport fuel. OTEC’s importance thus lies in providing food security, water & sustainable energy. This report on techno-economic analysis of OTEC would be helpful to fuel technologists, marine researchers, environmentalist seeking for sustainable growth and power engineers

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By (author) :

Subhashish Banerjee

Number of pages:


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Heating,- energy- and power station technology

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