Implementation of Smart Parking Technology On Street Parking

Implementation of Smart Parking Technology On Street Parking

Transportation Infrastructure Laboratory, Center For Transportation Infrastructure and System Technology, BPPT

International Research Press ( 2018-09-25 )

€ 45,90

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The Book of Implementation of Smart Parking Technology On Street Parking, is very beneficial for practitioners, academics, students, local governments who are studying intelligent transportation system (ITS), especially those related to parking system technology on the street. Parking systems on the street are still a problem in developing countries, especially related to the technology that will be used because it is related to traffic congestion around the parking area. At present many parking systems use digital meter parking machines. The purpose of the implementation of smart parking using this smart camera is to shorten the parking location search time, easy to make parking reports, indirectly improve the security of parking vehicles because it is monitored by the camera, increasing public awareness for parking payments because it is monitored by the camera. Implementation is still a trial so it needs related improvements from the development of parking vehicle detection, as an on-street parking technology innovation using smart cameras that are integrated with information and communication technology can be considered if possible in collaboration with the local government.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Tri Widodo
Sahid Bismantoko
Asep Haryono

Number of pages:


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