Designing a Knowledge Sharing Platform

Designing a Knowledge Sharing Platform

International Research Press ( 2018-05-23 )

€ 59,90

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In today’s global economy, competitive advantage is increasingly achieved through the effective use of knowledge. Knowledge is the most important strategic resource in organizations. In this regard, managing knowledge is important in the business community. However, most of the knowledge in ECCSA is not shared to the staff, members and business community at large. ECCSA has lack of systems that promote knowledge sharing. The main objective of this study is to design a knowledge sharing platform that promotes inter organizational knowledge sharing among member associations of ECCSA. This platform contributes to promote inter organizational knowledge sharing among business associations. This study developed a knowledge sharing platform that promotes inter organizational knowledge sharing among member associations. This research select national business agenda (NBA) development as a business process. The NBA process illustrated by process map, knowledge profile and knowledge link. The knowledge sharing platform contains knowledge related to the national business agenda development business process. It also includes different knowledge management tools like discussion forum & others.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Mindahun Degafu

Number of pages:


Published on:



Informatics, IT