Learner Based Assessment of HIV and AIDS Printed Information Materials

Learner Based Assessment of HIV and AIDS Printed Information Materials

Their Effectiveness and Appropriateness as Used in Dodoma Region, Tanzania, from 2013 to 2015

International Research Press ( 2016-12-20 )

€ 79,90

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Despite commendable efforts like in condom use campaigns, the struggle to combat HIV/AIDS in Tanzania is still to make full use of the printed media. In both urban and rural Tanzania, public places such as pubs, restaurants,liquor and drug stores, supermarkets, streets and highways are filled with well-designed fiercely contesting printed materials for products advertising but very few are for HIV/AIDS campaigns. Why? This study responds to anomalies in the use of printed materials for HIV/AIDS campaigns. The study was essentially qualitative in nature and done in the learners' and not the researchers' points of view. Learners freely aired their views and suggestions as to how/why the education materials were underutilized and how they could be made more effective and appropriate. The study reveals that printed media are playing an important role in HIV/AIDS campaigns despite facing numerous technical and cultural drawbacks that limit their meaningful role. The study informs stakeholders like health communication designers, researchers and practitioners,media students and policy makers on the current state of utilization of the printed media in enhancing educational campaigns.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Leonard Charles Mwenesi

Number of pages:


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Media, communication

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