1).A METHOD FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FIXED AND VARIABLE LENGTH MATRIX COMMUNICATION CODE WITH VARIABLE REDUNDANCY:AN EXTENSION WORK IN THE LIGHT OF HUFFMAN CODE: In this article, Huffman’s idea has been extended to higher dimensions and magnitudes with greater redundancy (minimum to maximum) in the development of a new communication code. In this code, both coding and decoding are easier in comparison with Huffman code. 2).PATTERN RECOGNITION THROUGH FUZZY LOGIC: Signature verification is a popular problem and the fuzzy approach is one of the existing techniques. The paper presents the concept of authentication by a graphical signature to validate the origin of digital documents. The process consists of encoding, decoding, transmission of data and the comparison of signatures using fuzzy logic. This work presents a methodology for addressing digital handwritten signatures and the authentication of it for validating legal operations. Data authentication is a problem. There remains always a fear that a transaction has been changed. Further, transmitting system may suffer from lossy. These problems can be solved by graphical representation of any figure to be preserved and transmitted.

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de (auteur) :

Dibakar Pal

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



Sciences de la communication