BDMOT Theory (Big Data Moment Of Truth)

BDMOT Theory (Big Data Moment Of Truth)

The impact of Big Data and related technology on Business decisions

International Research Press ( 2016-07-28 )

€ 63,90

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Big Data and Social Technologies such as Social Media, Cloud Computing and Mobile Technology are proliferating at an incredible pace. One area of increasing adoption is Business settings where practitioners hope that these new technologies will help enhance their decision-making techniques. BDMOT offers the possibility of a fundamentally different type of decision making. Using fine-tuned insights and controlled experiments, practitioners can test hypotheses and analyse results to guide investment or strategic decisions and operational changes. In effect, experimentation can help managers distinguish causation from mere correlation, thus reducing the variability of outcomes while improving financial and product performance. In the current study, the role of BDMOT is investigated in terms of operational, tactical and strategic decision-making impact. A practitioner and a research model have been developed to highlight the influence of Big Data on decision-making.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Moulay El Mehdi Sarsar

Number of pages:


Published on:



Business management

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