NodeLock Licensing - RMPRSA Cryptography

NodeLock Licensing - RMPRSA Cryptography

International Research Press ( 2016-08-23 )

€ 89,90

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Unlike any hardware component or product a software product can easily be copied from any source to any destination without involving cost, people, and effort. This has become a major challenge in the software industry and for the developers of the software products in protecting their intellectual property rights. This research focuses on generating NodeLocked license to the software with Multi Prime Rebalanced RSA algorithm. In software industry NodeLock Licensing concepts are not much appropriate when compared to distributed license. But distributed license does not meet the need or requirements for disconnected or offline software environments. Though NodeLock License Methodology is most appropriate for addressing this problem, there is no right pattern or solution available to address the specific needs of the target environment. To address this problem in implementing NodeLock License Methodologies everywhere outside connecting environments, we propose many variations of NodeLock Licensing along with target security needs by extending RSA with multi prime support called Multi Prime Rebalanced RSA. Also we suggest the best possible variations of the tolerances on hardware.

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By (author) :

Anitha Cuddapah

Number of pages:


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Data communication, networks

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