In fact, the original objective for inventing a computer was to create a fast calculating machine. However, more than 80% of work done by computer today is of non-mathematical or non-numerical in nature. More accurately, it can be said computer is a device that operates upon data personal bio-data, name, age, sex, etc. Data comes in various shapes and sizes depending upon the type of computer application. A computer can store, process and retrieve the data as and when desire. In fact the computer is working on the data so; people have started calling it as data processor. The growing popularity of computer has been turned into account by the business world .Today‘s business involves the participation of computer. Computer science is now being offered as an integral core subject to the student in almost every school and college. In fats the knowledge of computer is compulsory part of many regular courses for getting .in the employment computer have also exercised its pressure. The ability to work with computers is a necessary pre-requisite in most of the present job profiles.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Sumit Salunkhe
Rajesh Pandya
Surendra Rai

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education, Occupation, Career

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