Integrating Reading into Math Instruction

Integrating Reading into Math Instruction

Increasing Academic Achievement of English Language Learners

International Research Press ( 31.01.2017 )

€ 47,90

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English language learner (ELL) students typically score lower than non-ELL students and perform at various levels of English language proficiency in reading and math. The objective of this study was to measure the effectiveness of integrating guided reading instructional strategies in ELL students' math class that was taught inclusively using word problems. The experimental research was composed of a between-subjects approach with a pre- and posttest control group design with a simple random sample selection. The research consisted of an experimental and control group, a total of 36 participants. Data analysis consisted of an independent samples t test on pre- and posttest scores and a Mann Whitney U test on end of semester grade level progress reading scores to detect two groups are significantly different. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) revealed the mean scores for the two groups. The objective was to evaluate the impact of teaching literacy in the content of math to increase ELL student's academic achievement.

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de (auteur) :

Camelia A. Courtright

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