Aesthetic Elements in A. Pope & H. Ibrahim Selected Fraternal Epistles

Aesthetic Elements in A. Pope & H. Ibrahim Selected Fraternal Epistles

A Comparative Study

International Research Press ( 23.04.2018 )

€ 67,90

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The aim of this comparative research is to manifest some aesthetic elements found in some fraternal verse epistles written by two renowned figures, Alexander Pope and Hafiz Ibrahim. This book is hoped to be fruitful in linking the English and Arabic literatures as far as the genre of epistle is concerned. Approaching the genre of epistle aesthetically is significant because earlier researches -in the area of epistle- often concentrate on the historical, literary and linguistic value of epistle. Few researches, almost none, deal in depth with the aesthetic dimension of epistle. Despite the fact that Pope and Ibrahim arise in vastly different literary contexts, they show some similarities, and yet some differences. The analysis of the selected epistles shows that there are a number of aesthetic elements shared by both poets; but the poets are different in maintaining each one.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Noha Siraj Labani

Nombre de pages:


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Linguistique Anglaise / Science littéraire