MIS Capacity and Information Management in Nigerian Universities

MIS Capacity and Information Management in Nigerian Universities

Empirical Investigation of Effective Information Management in Northern Nigeria Universities

International Research Press ( 28.10.2019 )

€ 89,90

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MIS makes information available to stakeholders for planning, organising, leading or controlling. The imperative of effective information management in the universities is underscored by the expanding educational facilities, programmes and increasing demand for quality information. As organisations grow, the pressure of time, complexity and increased rate of change make adequate information processing capability inevitable. More so, the spate of information explosion with a growth rate of 30% yearly necessitate effective information management. Information management is at infancy stage in Nigeria. Evidence points to the fact that Nigerian tertiary institutions have information generating capacity of 76% and utilisation capacity of 3%. This Book has immense theoretical and practical utilities on the state of information management in Nigerian Universities. It particularly targets stakeholders which include government, universities operators, policy makers, research institutions, scholars, students, users of the university services and the international communities. Indeed, this document is a viable reference material for libraries in Nigeria, Africa and the world at large.

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de (auteur) :

Mustapha Momoh

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