Nanostructured, Multicomponent Metal Chalcogenide Thin Films

Nanostructured, Multicomponent Metal Chalcogenide Thin Films

Chemical Synthesis of Nanostructured Metal Chalcogenide Thin Films for Photoelectrochemical (PEC) Applications

International Research Press ( 2016-05-10 )

€ 94,90

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This book consists of deposition of VIB-VA-IB-VIA Group mixed metal chalcogenides thin films by a facile and novel chemical method, Arrested precipitation technique (APT), characterization and application photoelectrocrmical (PEC) cell. We have carried out the stepwise deposition of binary, ternary and quaternary Bi₂Se₃, MoxBi2Se5, MoBiCuSe4 and MoBiAgSe4 thin films respectively for PEC application by APT. Bi₂Se₃ thin films were deposited using different chelating agents as well as the effect of addition of molybdenum to binary Bi₂Se₃ were studied. The properties of MoxBi2Se3+2x with varying molybdenum content were studied. Moreover, the effect of copper and silver content on the optostructural, morphological and electrical properties of chemically deposited MoBi₂-xCuxSe4 and MoBi2-xAgxSe4 thin films respectively were studied. Additionally the role of organic surfactant molecules in modifying surface morphology and crystallinity of the deposits were studied. Further the PEC performance of all the samples deposited by APT was studied in I-/I₃- redox electrolyte using graphite rod as a counter electrode.

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By (author) :

Suvarta Kharade
Popatrao N. Bhosale

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