Meanings of Purpose in English

Meanings of Purpose in English

International Research Press ( 2021-05-14 )

€ 45,90

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Since 'purpose' in English grammar is mainly restricted to clauses of purpose, I decided to collect nearly all what relates to ‘purpose’. Not all the materials I looked for exist in grammars under this title, but some others are found in what is called idioms or idiomatic expressions. That is, not only the books of grammar involve purpose meaning and usage, but also dictionaries of idioms or expressions imply this meaning. Although it is a hard job to come up with this area of research, there might be something done in this field in this booklet, i.e., the researchers need no effort to find any of the meaning of ‘purpose’. Not only semantic meaning is explained here but also pragmatic one. It is intended to be an assistance for the learners practicing everyday language. In addition, it is hoped to be as a guide for teachers, researchers and students of English especially those who are interested in grammar.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Hussein Musa Kadhim Al-Nasrawi

Number of pages:


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English linguistics / literature science