The Role of Information Systems

The Role of Information Systems

in Organizational Capabilities

International Research Press ( 2021-05-05 )

€ 59,90

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In the new age where organizations, products, relationships and activities and their business in general have become virtual and electronic and changes have become so drastic that has minimized the lifespan of technologies and products. Creating and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage based on traditions. Researchers have recently used a resource-based approach to gauge how much information systems can give a company a competitive advantage over competitors. Based on this view, it can be said that information systems that are used to show disproportionate differences in company resources, are effective factors in achieving a competitive advantage for organizations.Therefore, in this chapter, the generalities of research will be reviewed. For this purpose, first the research issue is stated and then the importance of the research topic will be explained and expressed. In the following, the hypotheses and objectives of the research are stated and finally the variables and components of the research are defined as theoretical and operational concepts.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Esmat Zilaei Koozevaki

Number of pages:


Published on:



Informatics, IT