Spiritual Quest of Hindi Film Music

Spiritual Quest of Hindi Film Music

Historical Evolution, Journey and Quest

International Research Press ( 2021-04-23 )

€ 104,90

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This book is an attempt to delve into the deep questions of how music evolves from the roots of public consciousness, how it lives, transforms itself over the generations and appeals to the entire humanity, segregated by choice, ranging between the classical, folk and popular genres. We discuss here the music tradition of the Indian Sub-continent. We reveal its historical evolution. We discover the relativity between Indian Classical Music and Popular Film Music. We unveil the links between Indian film music and the Raagas, which are rooted in the spiritual tradition of the Vedas. The Book discovers the balance and equation between these two traditions of music, their nature and the connection between two traditions. When we talk of the Indian way, we find that 'classical' means that music, which has been taken from the Shastra's (Sacred Text's) and should follow the same scientific pattern as ordained by the Shastra's. It has arithmetic, system, discipline and dignity. The book reveals the nature, balance, and harmony between these two traditions of music.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Priya Joshi
Sandeep Silas

Number of pages:


Published on:


