A Disarmament-Win That Weakens

A Disarmament-Win That Weakens

World War III Is Not Unlikely To Be Nuclear

International Research Press ( 2021-03-29 )

€ 45,90

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The gradual collapse of arms control agreements left from the Cold War period has clouded the prospect of strategic relations and the nuclear balance between Russia and the west and has made it very alarming. During the 21st century, unlike its experience of concluding numerous treaties on the restriction of nuclear and conventional weapons of the Cold War period with the Kremlin, the White House has pursued withdrawing from international arms control treaties especially those with Russia that peaked during the Trump administration. The likelihood of beginning a new round of arms race between the United States and Russia worries the Europeans more than others, as they are at the front lines of the likely battle against Russia. In case of lack of an army or even an integrated European defense system and the removal of the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty (NFT) (which was like an effective security safeguard throughout Eurasia), European states are being threatened by a reduction in security.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Adib Bazgir

Number of pages:


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Political science