Fresh-cut Vegetables at Supermarkets in Bangladesh:

Fresh-cut Vegetables at Supermarkets in Bangladesh:

Analyzing Marketing System and Customer Perception

International Research Press ( 2021-03-31 )

€ 59,90

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The concept of fresh-cut vegetables is relatively new in the context of Bangladesh. The study was designed to examine the marketing system, assess the customer's perception and identify factors to purchase fresh-cut vegetables. Data obtained from a total of 103 vegetable customers, 10 supermarket outlet managers and 35 marketing intermediaries by using purposive sampling technique. For measuring perception of the respondents and identifying factors to purchase fresh-cut vegetables, a 5-point Likert scale and Logit model were used in this study, respectively. On an average, customers had moderately favorable attitude towards fresh-cut vegetables. Results of the Logit model indicate that age, education, family member, having maid servant, income, perception have significant effect on purchasing of fresh-cut vegetables. In general, younger, having higher education, large family and higher income increases the possibility whereas having maid-servant decreases the possibility to purchase fresh-cut vegetables. Customers identified unavailability of items, higher price, shorter shelf life, quality and color deterioration and safety as major problems for purchasing fresh-cut vegetables.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Samia Afrin
Shakila Salam
Md. Moniruzzaman

Number of pages:


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