TMJ ankylosis- an overview

TMJ ankylosis- an overview

TMJ ankylosis

International Research Press ( 2021-01-12 )

€ 67,90

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The temporomandibular joint is a complicated anatomic structure which is vitally concerned with mastication, deglutition, speech and also the posture of the head. The preservation of this joint and the construction of an artificial one that functions properly is of prime importance. TMJ ankylosis, a distressing condition leads to limitation in mandibular movements and deficient growth of facial skeleton. Condylar damage during childhood produces ankylosis and alteration of mandibular growth. The younger the patient at the time of condylar damage and the longer the period of ankylosis before treatment, the more severe will be the degree of the deformity and the more affected the external facial aspect. The deformity is the result of both the condylar destruction and the lack of stimulus to the growth induced by mandibular function & movement. According to the functional restriction & the provoked disturbances of facial growth in the youth, an early & effective therapy is desirable. There are a wide variety of surgical approaches & treatment modalities ranging from wide resection of bone to reconstruction. One standard surgical concept does not exist.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Naqoosh Haidry
Abhishek Singh

Number of pages:


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