Role of higher education: bridging the skill gap

Role of higher education: bridging the skill gap

International Research Press ( 2021-01-11 )

€ 99,90

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The book is self-explained i.e. for employability higher education institute should design a curriculum which act as a bridge or road map between the employer and employee.Aspirants of higher education are always concern about the relevancy of their education for the desired skill development and employability, and possessing these skills and confidence for employability boost the motivation level among them. Higher education level increases the chance of unemployment person to get employment and will emerge with a comparable wage and reduce the time required to search new employment. Unemployment can have a devastating impact both on a household and the general economy. This study investigates the causal effects of education on individuals’ transitions between employment and unemployment, with particular focus on the extent to which education improves re-employment outcomes among unemployed workers.The book is beneficial for academicians, educationalist, economist, socialist, placement officers, institute owners, industrialist, researchers and students.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Sudhinder Singh Chowhan
Pallavi Tomar Mishra

Number of pages:


Published on:



Business management