Reactive Power Market Clearing in Industry, A review

Reactive Power Market Clearing in Industry, A review

International Research Press ( 2020-11-19 )

€ 59,90

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The power system in practical operations shows a possible behavior due to the uncertainty in each of the levels of production, transmission and consumption of active and reactive power. In a deregulated environment, if the independent operator of the system does not consider these uncertainties in order to clear the reactive power market, the occurrence of events may lead to a drastic change in the reactive power of the system resulting in voltage instability and there will even be a blackout. In this dissertation, modeling of four important uncertainties, namely unforeseen exit of production units, unforeseen exit of transmission lines, possible nature of wind power and possible nature of active and reactive load of the system are expressed and a framework for creating scenarios. Which take into account uncertainties at the same time, is presented. In addition, the objective functions used in the reactive power market clearing process are reviewed along with their optimization constraints and modified to enter scenarios. Finally, for the proper clearing of the reactive power market despite uncertainty.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Ebadollah Amouzad Mahdiraji
Ali Afzali

Number of pages:


Published on:



Electricity, magnetism, optics